What is a community foundation?

A community foundation is a type of public charity that focuses on building and managing funds to support the well-being of a specific community. Foundations are typically non profit organizations that work to address local needs and improve the quality of life within that community.

What does a community foundation do?

Community foundations serve as intermediaries between donors and local nonprofits. They attract and manage funds from a variety of donors, including individuals, families, businesses, and other organizations. These funds are invested as endowments to generate income. Income from the endowments is used to make grants to nonprofits and initiatives that align with the mission and the needs of the community. 

What community do you serve?

The Fayette County Community Foundation serves Fayette County, West Virginia.

Where do you get the money for grants and scholarships?

Donations to the community foundation come from a wide range of places. Individual donors with modest means to those with substantial resources often contribute to a project meaningful to their community. In some cases, individuals often leave a bequest in their estate plans to the foundation.   

Businesses and corporations contribute to the FCCF as part of their corporate social responsibility efforts and are often designated to initiatives that align with the company’s values and priorities.

The FCCF organizes fundraising events to engage the local community in local causes. 

In some cases, community foundations may receive grants from government agencies at the local, regional, or national levels. These grants can be directed toward specific projects or initiatives.

Why should I be a donor?

Donating to the Fayette County Community Foundation allows you to play a role in shaping the future of our community by supporting local initiatives and contributing to the well-being of those who live in the area. This is the best way to ensure that your donation goes directly into your community and helps bring about positive change and improvements to your community. With a wide variety of options to suit different preferences and financial situations, you can choose how to make a difference.